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Cdatas Do Not Nest

CDATAs Do Not Nest

A Common JSF/PrimeFaces Issue

CDATAs do not nest has been an ongoing issue in the JavaServer Faces (JSF) community for many years and remains a concern in popular frameworks like PrimeFaces. The error typically occurs when a JSF page contains CDATA sections that are not properly nested.


The most common cause of this error is when a developer includes a CDATA section within another CDATA section. This is not allowed according to the XML specification and will result in the error.


When this error occurs, the user will typically see an error message in the browser's console or in the server's logs. The error message will usually contain the following text: "CDATA tags may not nest."


The solution to this error is to ensure that all CDATA sections are properly nested. This means that a CDATA section cannot be started within another CDATA section. If a developer needs to include a CDATA section dentro otro, they must use a different approach, such as using an XML parser.

Here are some additional tips for avoiding this error:

  • Use a JSF library that properly escapes markup, such as JSF2 or PrimeFaces.
  • Configure your web server to serve the HTML output using the correct content type and document type.
  • Use an XML parser to handle CDATA sections.
